Concise Communication for Kinesiologists


Always know what to say and when to say it


1 Day Class:
16th July BOOKED OUT
22nd and 1st Aug BOOKED OUT

Next Series:
1st Sept BOOK NOW
1st December BOOK NOW






Speak the language your clients need to hear

There is a difference between ‘book learning’ and real-world application, especially for kinesiologists.

Clients come to you for healing but as you start to unravel their ‘energetic knots, the mental rabbit holes being revealed can start to suck you in too, especially if you don’t know the perfect words to navigate through.

This training will help you get through the ‘mental mess’ so you can resolve your client’s issues with less effort, more precision and absolute clarity, no matter what the issue.

It’s purpose-designed for kinesiologists who are ready to step up their results and improve their reputation.

If communication is a key to understanding, concise communication is the master key.

Clients come to you to find a way to move on from a difficult experience and change their life.

In your kinesiology training, you have likely come across the concepts that ‘the body has all the answers’ and ‘the body ‘heals itself’ but in your role as a facilitator, knowing the energetic and physiological theory and mechanics is just part of the process.

If you don’t have the right communication tool and understanding of exactly what’s going on in your client’s head, you are missing the bridge between energy and matter (a.k.a the mind) and you’ll likely both be going in circles… or at best taking the hardest path to their healed destination.
All content is purpose-designed for kinesiologists who want to step up their results and claim higher comprehension of this incredible modality.

All content is purpose-designed for kinesiologists who want to step up their results and claim higher comprehension of this incredible modality.

Sharper skills mean better clinical results for life!

“The “LRS” model has helped me cut through the mental mess my clients struggle with when unpacking their issues. It has shown me exactly what I need to say and when and it works!”

“College gave me so many skills and I love being in clinic but always felt on the back foot not knowing how to navigate the session or at times the right thing to say. CCK has changed this, it is exactly what I didn’t learn and have really grappled with for years. It has brought everything together like glue and raised my confidence 100-fold!”

“I no longer worry that I am saying anything wrong – I know exactly how to question and why.”


In this LIVE online program you will learn:


The exact questions to ask the body at every step throughout your sessions to achieve perfect connection and the deepest rapport.


The tried, tested and proven model which will change the way you speak to every client and give you access to clean, precise and concise wording.


How to know without a doubt that you are saying exactly what is needed, when it is needed.


How to instantly create a map of your clients’ minds and use it to get fast, accurate results from every conversation in session.


Essential information so you can navigate the mental plane. Think of it as a license to drive at high speed between the body and energy systems.

Do you understand the power of words and want to use them more consciously to achieve even better results with your clients?

You know your kinesiology craft well but start to doubt yourself when it comes to speaking effectively when you’re with a client. As a result, you lose confidence and session flow is disrupted.

As kinesiologists, rapport, connection and results are our bread and butter. However, the new era of quantum change calls for even smarter tools, better experiences and faster results.

We are living in the “NOW” generation. You need communication skills in clinic that connect the dots ‘in the moment’ for your clients… and that’s exactly what this training will give you the ability to do (and FAST)

Learn for an Industry Leader

Learn from an industry leader. Having worked with thousands of clients + having sessions herself since she was born, Kylie will show you:

  • Next-generation communication skills — nail it EVERY TIME
  • Consciousness upgrades that will make every session easier — no more time heavy mini-circuits and finger-crossing as you hope for a resolve 
  • Essential communication tools that work on every client — the codes have been cracked for you to achieve perfect communication each kinesiology session, do you want them?
  • How to get faster results so you can help more people — no more circling the same issue time and again — cut through, clean up and clear out FAST.

In our industry, your reputation must precede you. This model will help you consistently deliver sessions your clients rave about.



Kinesiology Business Mentor

Kylie Bryan is the Kinesiologists’ Kinesiologist and the Kinesiology Teachers’ Teacher, who practitioners of all experience levels contact to fill in the missing pieces so they can translate their skills into a successful business.

Kylie leads visionary healers into conscious wealth + global impact, through Soul embodiment + purpose actualisation. She’s the founder of the Acceleration Institute for Natural Therapists and Kinesiology Business School, teaching comprehensive Kinesiology training programs producing epic results at lightning speed for her students + clients.

If you are not achieving the results you wish to, Kylie is the person to help.


This course is purpose-built for kinesiology practitioners who care enough to want to give their clients the best results possible – e.v.e.r.y. session

With the help of this training, you will bridge the mind gaps between each clients’ internal experience while they are on the table and your communication with them.

This essential verbal skills course was decades in the making but compressed into just ONE DAY for you and for use FOR LIFE.

You will sharpen your verbal skills, upgrade your client connection and bolster your confidence in clinic and in the kinesiology modality itself.

The outcome is happier clients, repeat business, more referrals, more effective sessions, your time and clients money saved and confidence in the career of your dreams. (I know, saving your clients money sounds counterintuitive, but we are in a new era, where it is not about “more money” it is about better value, a more harmonic society and ethical businesses built off of helping the whole of society live their dreams NOW. Fewer sessions to resolve your clients’ issues equals better business.)

If you want a vital missing piece in the kinesiology business success puzzle, this course is what you have been waiting for.




Please note, to join this class you must be able to deliver a Kinesiology session in person.
Prerequisite : Cert IV in Kinesiology or similar.

Contact us if you are unsure you meet this requirement.

What you get…

  • Easy to learn, tried, tested, proven model ‘LRSx3’, the signature tool to master communication in your clinic
  • Eight hours of LIVE tuition, giving you razor-sharp verbal skills to confidently navigate any client issue FAST
  • 25 Essential Pillars to unlock awareness to the universally applicable mindscape of humanity
  • The E.V.E model to shift your clients out of their suffering sooner
  • Essential knowledge for mind-path excavation, reshaping, and belief revealing
  • 30-page workbook
  • LIVE Q+A
  • The verbal questioning skills you weren’t taught in college but are essential in clinic!

Frequently Asked Questions

To attend you must have completed Kinesiology training and have muscle testing skills.

All of our courses are purpose-built especially for Kinesiologists and cater
very specifically to the unique needs, goals, and energy “blocks” experienced
in our industry.
Our CCK course give you a specific model to question the body to eliminate
self-doubt, sky rocket your communication confidence in the clinic, get incredibly
rapid results for your clients and allow know exactly what you need to say and

The bottom line is, rapport, client connection, and speedy results are our bread and
butter. Our new era of quantum change calls for faster tools, better experiences, and faster client results.
We are living in the “NOW” generation so having communication skills that
connect the dots “now” is what CCK will give you.
If you are here to help a lot of people and desire a deeper connection with your
clients and you want some next-generation “skill shining” you will love CCK. We have
many facility-level Kinesiologists come through our classes and time and again their
minds are blown around how the new consciousness upgrades we teach sharpen
their clinic work and make everything so much easier in the clinic. CCK is here to lift
you to a whole new level in your clinical practice.

If having way less stress around what to say, when, and how in session will aid you
in being more present with your client then YES!
If having even better relationships and covering more “mental” ground each
the session will get your clients better outcomes with more ease then YES!
If you would like to jump years ahead by accessing the know-how decades
mastering consciousness and in clinical empirical testing glean (without having
to do the manual clinic time) then YES!

Upon registration you will be enrolled directly into the next scheduled LIVE
class date.
We will email you prior to class with your class link, course material and
other important information for the day.
Once you have completed the virtual face-to-virtual face elements, you will
have access to everything included.

We stand behind what we teach and know it gets results (we have hundreds of
reviews attesting to this!). Our statistics to date indicate 90% of our CK students
make the money they spend on training with us back within 6-months of graduation
(with WK the average fee re-generation is within 14 days of finishing that class,
MMK in just days! and CCK giving you tools to work which has seen our previous
qualified Kinesiologists jaws dropping from the ease and methods delivered from
hour one you are in great hands).
However, due to the personalized nature of all our trainings, the results you get are
dependent on an x factor which is beyond our control…. YOU.
We guarantee to give you the best of the best of what decades in the industry,
working to resolve the gamut issues the human experiences in life for thousands of
people. This empirical testing and validation work has yielded a unique fluency in
how the mechanics of consciousness works we want to share it with YOU!
Our work has not only been tried and tested by thousands of clients from around
the world BUT the wisdom itself has been instrumental in educating, up leveling and
refining a range of some of the brightest minds in the Kinesiology world today
through our past students.
Our CCK program contains some of the most potent learnings to unlock your
clients mind AND is one of the easiest to learn – you will LOVE how simple
mastering communication is by using our model.

As a student of CCK, you get access to the LIVE training which includes LIVE
personalized support throughout the course to ensure all concepts are ironed out
on the day and that you are supported along your journey of growth in this essential
area of the human experience.
You can ask questions, get instant feedback, and meet other Kinesiologists who
are on the path to success also who are truly a Soul tribe here to help humanity
If you need more personalized, one-on-one support (or you just LOVE the
the consciousness we share in class) contact my team to see if you are a good fit
for 1:1 coaching or entry into our approved by application only CK Quantum
Kinesiology Immersion course.

Currently one of the highest paid Kinesiologists in Australasia, I have not only
walked the path to being well paid and successful in clinic but I created it.
After treading water in every pool of “what not to do”, both clinically, in business
and in the money game, I have personally used everything I teach, and watch my
students achieve results from it, get floods of positive feedback and so KNOW it
Our quantum Kinesiology program (CK) and other popular course WK, see our
students moving from sporadic hundred-dollar weeks to consistent multi-thousand-dollar weeks and CCK is another short course giving you specific
communication keys to achieving ease, confidence, and speed in your clinical
balancing work.
This short course contains the verbal pathways to access the backdoors, hidden
rooms and secret cupboards inside your client’s minds which ultimately give you
the keys to open their minds and assist them to escape painful realities which is
what they are paying you to help them shift from.
CCK is a deep, practical dive into the knowledge locked inside the mindscape of
the consciousness which will clean up, simplify and renew every corner of your
questioning style allowing you to succeed in your clinical practice and build a
thriving business seeing word of mouth spread like melted butter.
Are you ready to join us?