
I invite you to look at existence as one thing. This ‘one thing’… everything, has many facets containing dual expressions: male/female, hot/cold, rough/smooth, good/bad, big/small…. literally EVERYTHING in this world that we know as our reality is expressed and experienced in duality.

From our perspective (the human perspective), the mind itself also has these two poles. At the top end, our minds have brilliance, super-consciousness and Divinity. Following this down through to the individual person’s own unique mind extension, you/we each hold a ‘shadow version’ of the mind.

The momentum lost as we each descend into this ‘mind shadow’ from Oneness into duality, has left each of us at a specific point or level of consciousness. The physical, mental, financial, emotional, relational realities… (every aspect of our individual life, of our human experience) are resonating at a corresponding vibration. A vibration can also been understood as a unique point within existence; the exact point being: a point of view we each seek to rise up from so we can ascend to experience more joy, peace and authentic power.

Have you ever wondered if there is a short cut or a “cheat-sheet” to rise through the human experience and make it easier?

A means to claim genuine inner-peace, health, multifaceted wealth and rapidly unify your unique experience of duality? Welcome to the worlds of Kinesiology (more specifically CK… quantum kinesiology)!

Kinesiology is more than the study of the movement of the body. As well as being physical, we know the body simultaneously expresses ‘energy’ through the range of dual expressions from moment to moment (at the basic level we are all simply different combinations of molecules made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons – energy!). Therefore Kinesiology, more accurately, is the movement of the energy of and through the body. Further to this, from decades of working with and training tens of thousands of people from around the world, I can confidently reveal that using kinesiology from the quantum levels is a powerful key to unlock and then decode the ‘movement of consciousness’ through the human form (being unconscious to subconscious, to conscious and then to super consciousness.)

What I have witnessed, heard from worldwide client feedback, experienced myself, know for sure, and now teach is that through the mastery of the subconscious and conscious minds along with the human body, humanity can and does take on a new form.

Humanity can live empowered, liberated, healthy and in the fields of loving trust beyond the shadows of the mind.

This book is a beginner’s guide to kinesiology. Whether you are brand new to the industry, a practitioner yourself or have studied before and are looking for a refresh on the base level concepts of the modality, a fresh perspective on this work/your role in the industry, this book will illuminate the fundamentals of kinesiology for you. It will hopefully ignite a love for kinesiology, for your body and, yourself, and extend a unique bridge to a journey beyond what your highest desires are for your life as well as humanity as a whole. In this book, you will begin from the ground up understanding how energy moves through to form.

Let’s learn the basics and understand; What the #@*$! is Kinesiology?




This book is designed for those seeking the clarity, confidence and important 101’s of Kinesiology. It has been shared as a steppingstone on a special path for those seeking awareness about what Kinesiology is and for any budding practitioners who have already studied, been ‘out in the world’ with their skills but are still one-foot-in, one-foot-out of their work with this modality (and seeking to awaken/reawaken basic foundation knowledge in this incredible field of healing). What follows are the ‘what’s’ behind the ‘why’ kinesiology works.

If you are reading this, you likely have been called to claim more clearly the know-how behind the ‘how to’ affect profound transformations for yourself, your family, and members of our communities who are in any form of suffering. This book contains what have been described as ‘simple and polished’ explanations of basic kinesiology concepts and vital information if you are starting out as a Kinesiologist and want to succeed. Littered with mental “gold nuggets” for you to collect should you be a seeker of accelerated personal ascension and deep, authentic healing and growth.